Frequently asked questions
how long does therapy take?
A former therapist of mine answered this question for me by saying, “How long is a piece of string?” With that being said, part of your treatment planning with me will focus on the session frequency you are most comfortable with (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) We will also check in periodically about how you believe you are progressing towards your treament plan goals, and re-assess as needed. While there are no guarentees for the outcomes of your treatment, you will likely get out of it what you are willing to put into it. I can assure you that I am committed to supporting you every step of the way.
What are my rights for confidentiality?
Legally and ethically I must keep your health information protected per the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). As with any health professional, there are some exceptions to this law including: if you become a danger to yourself or others (and are not able to implement a safety plan with me), if you disclose that a vulnerable individual is being harmed (children, disabled adults, seniors, or animals). When these disclosures happen, I do my best to formulate a plan with my client that ensures everyone is safe. If I am working with your insurance, I will sometimes have to disclose information such as assessments, diagnoses, and treatment planning. Another exception is if there is another health professional that is engaging in unethical or illegal behavior resulting in harm to a client. I will do my best to speak with you if other disclosures become necessary. If you would like me to disclose your information to a designated third party of your choosing, you will have to sign a Release of Information for me to be able to communicate with them.
How can i get in contact?
I can be contacted through by phone at 775-453-0743. Once a client becomes established, they have access to their client portal through my HIPAA compliant electronic health record. I can receive text messages for scheduling purposes only. My email is the last resort for scheduling as I do not have access to that as readily, and I cannot ensure that your information will be confidential if you do not have encrypted email. I do not conduct therapy over email, text, or phone to protect your confidentiality and the integrity of our work together. My hope is to be able to respond in a timely manner, and a phone call is the best way to do that. I strive to return calls within two business days.